Ottawa Resources

In the Media Lactation Care In the Media Lactation Care

“Taking the Helm” interview with host Lynn McLaughlin: Breastfeeding in 2021

In this episode, Lynn interviews Sonya Boersma. Sonya is a Masters educated Registered Nurse and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She’s been working with new families for over 25 years from many angles such as teaching prenatal, nursing in labour and delivery up north, working as a birth doula, and supporting parents postpartum. She has taught after-birth-care to nursing students and had taught many types of health professionals about best practices around infant feeding. She knows what a big difference breastfeeding makes not only to health but to a mothers’ sense of providing for her infant. The pandemic was a pivot point and created a sense of urgency to fully lift up mothers with breastfeeding in 2021.

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Bottles & Pumps (Ottawa Area) Lactation Care Bottles & Pumps (Ottawa Area) Lactation Care

Infant-led, Paced Bottle Feeding

Parents who are breastfeeding sometimes run into challenges and are also bottle feeding. Wait. How hard can it be to give a bottle to a baby? What does it mean to do infant-led, paced bottle feeding? An infant-led approach is a technique that benefits bottle-feeding infants. This resource is for parents and caregivers: Who wish to breastfeed and are also using bottles. Who is not exclusively using other alternatives such as a cup, spoon, feeding tube, or supplementary feeding system? Who are exclusively bottle-fed.

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