Publications & Websites
Need resources tailored for your organization?
We’re experienced in developing resources. Consider what your organization needs. Talk with us to help your resource creation.

Development of the following resources, publications, and websites was led by our principal consultant, Sonya.
Resources developed by and hosted on LactationCare.ca by clicking on the Resource tab. Audience is both professionals and parents. Professionals may find it helpful to refer parents to these resources. Here are a few:
Coming soon: Swaddling, What to Do and Not Do
Breastfeeding Protocols for Health Care Professionals, BFI Strategy for Ontario:
BFI 20-Hour Course: Clinical Practice Options and BFI 20-Hour Course Case Study Answer Guide, BFI Strategy for Ontario
Breastfeeding Toolkit for Healthcare Providers, CMNRP Breastfeeding Promotion Committee work group, http://www.cmnrp.ca/en/cmnrp/BreastfeedingHealth_Care_Providers_p4872.html
Infant Formula: What You Need to Know, BFI Strategy for Ontario, www.beststart.org Now adapted provincially in Ontario, British Columbia, Newfoundland, and Prince Edward Island.
Breastfeeding Resources Ontario, bilingual website. Though the resources are still searchable, this website is currently not supported.
Ottawa Breastfeeds, bilingual website, www.ottawabreastfeeds.ca/ Continue to co-coordinate this simple website.
BFI Implementation Toolkit, BFI Strategy for Ontario, found here.
Questioning Current Definitions for Breastfeeding Research. Noel-Weiss, J., Boersma, S., & Kujawa-Myles, S. (2012). International Breastfeeding Journal, 7(9) .https://internationalbreastfeedingjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1746-4358-7-9
Breastfeeding Support Available: Ottawa Breastfeeding Buddies, Canadian Nurse Interest Group.
Ottawa Breastfeeding Buddies: Peer Support for Mothers, Ottawa Public Health, Physician Update.
Preparing for Parenthood: Taking Steps for this Important Transition
Introducing our collaborative creation by Design Your Plate | LEVANTA (L.I.F.T.) Magazine
Featuring Sonya Boersma, BN, MScN, RN, IBCLC, Founder, Principal Consultant of Lactation Care
— And Co-Featuring: Marie Shinmoto, Registered Physiotherapist of M.A.P. Physiotherapy