Ottawa Resources

Education & Support Sonya Boersma Education & Support Sonya Boersma

Busting 10 Myths to Make Life Easier

It’s hard enough to parent. In addition to figuring out what each child needs and how to handle their needs, society puts a lot of pressure on parents. Let’s briefly talk about some myths and responses. Consider how these myths may be impacting you, and if you might be able to relax more in your early parenting journey.

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Breastfeeding Sonya Boersma Breastfeeding Sonya Boersma

All About Breast Milk Supply

In this blog post, we will provide valuable information for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers about how to know if they have enough milk, how to prevent milk supply issues, how to increase milk production, why their milk supply may not be 100%, and additional resources to support breastfeeding. Low milk supply, not enough milk, breast milk supply, increasing milk supply.

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Travel Sonya Boersma Travel Sonya Boersma

Tips For Travel and Receiving Company

With holidays, you may be travelling or celebrating for the first time with your lovely baby. It can seem mind-boggling, but with some thought, it can be done.

Go. Have fun. Or have fun receiving people as you are comfortable.

Here are some tips to help and you will see some personal anecdotes in italics.

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Education & Support Lactation Care Education & Support Lactation Care

How Partners Can Support Breastfeeding

Whether you’re a dad, partner, or another type of support person, this is for you. What can partners do during pregnancy? Get informed. Learn all about breastfeeding, learn about normal feeding and expectations in the early hours and days. Learn what you CAN do BESIDES feed the baby. Know you can be really supportive, helpful, have lots of great bonding time, without feeding. Help the birthing person find resources in your area so that you know where to go for help when you need it (for example find out how your hospital or midwife supports breastfeeding in the early days, interview IBLCs, look for breastfeeding meet ups or clinics). Set up additional support for when the baby arrives, whether a postpartum doula or family/friends, who can come and help so that the birthing person can focus mostly on feeding the baby. Be confident in your role!

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